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Choosing a Journal for Publication of an Article Workshop (through Zoom) In-Person

Resources for gathering information on or to identify quality, scholarly journals in the sciences and social sciences will be demonstrated. In this workshop, attendees will learn:

- how to find the impact factor or h-5 index for a journal;

- how to identify scholarly, peer-reviewed journals publishing papers in a research area;

- where to find the expected time required for 1st review of a submitted manuscript by a journal's editorial process.

Registrants will receive a link to join by Zoom the day before the workshop. 

Any student who participates in at least 3 library workshops during the fall 2021 semester will be eligible for a prize! How it works: Register for a library workshop or tour. After you have attended at least 3, a librarian will contact you with information about how to pick up your prize. Learn more about this incentive program at: guides.library.yale.edu/WorkshopIncentiveProgram.

Related LibGuide: Choosing a Journal for Publication of an Article by Kayleigh Bohemier

Wednesday, October 13, 2021
9:30am - 10:15am
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Zoom Session - CSSSI (online only_1)
Science Hill
  Faculty     Graduate Students     Marx Science and Social Science Library     Research Lifecycle Series  
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Event Organizer

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Lori Bronars