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Intermediate GIS In-Person

This workshop will build upon the Introduction to GIS workshop by introducing students to a variety of tools for spatial analysis. Students will use the ArcGIS software suite to load, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data. We will consider strategies for working with both vector and raster data. As time allows, topics to be covered include: coordinate systems and projections, geospatial data management, creating spatially explicit datasets (geocoding and georeferencing), measures of central tendency (spatial means, standard distances, proximity), estimating geographic distributions (interpolation, kernel density estimation), measuring geographic distributions (spatial autocorrelation and clustering/'hot spot analysis'), basic raster analysis (local, focal, and zonal functions), and non-Euclidean raster operations (impedance layers, cost distance, least cost paths, cost allocation). Prerequisites: Prior use of ArcGIS is required.

Friday, November 11, 2016 Show more dates
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
KBT C27 (Computer Classroom) Center for Science and Social Science Information (CSSSI)
Science Hill
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Themba Flowers