Event box

Structure Your Data Faster: An Introduction to APIs for Data Access Online

Wishing you could just tap into existing sources of structured data? Contemplating a project with data provided through an API? Wondering what an API is and how to use it? 

Join us to learn more about the usual structures of data-focused APIs, pick up some new terminology, and practice using an API to get data! We’ll also cover strategies for working with more difficult or unusual APIs. 

No programming experience required, but some willingness to code will help you make the most of APIs. 

Technical Requirements: Please download OpenRefine in advance of this workshop.

Thursday, April 18, 2024
11:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Medical School
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Coding     Data  
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Event Organizer

Profile photo of Gavi Levy Haskell
Gavi Levy Haskell

As the research technology lead, I'm here to help support your questions about and projects in the use of research technology!

Profile photo of Vermetha Polite
Vermetha Polite